S288 | AFSA Carolinas Chapter, Incorporated | John Turnage | (919) 624-3456 | jturnage@afsacarolinaschapter.com |
S406 | APA - The Engineered Wood Associatioon | Warren Hamrick | (253) 565-6600 | warren.hamrick@apawood.org |
S122 | Alamance Community College | Nick Garrett | (336) 506-4200 | tngarrett996@alamancecc.edu |
S399 | Alan S. Tuck | Alan Tuck | (540) 344-7939 | atuck@fandr.com |
S375 | Allegion | Scott Adamczak | (704) 608-0475 | Scott.Adamczak@allegion.com |
S352 | Allen Cooley | Allen Cooley | (919) 418-6587 | Silverman9345@yahoo.com |
S174 | Alton Ray Wilson | Alton Wilson | (252) 639-2945 | wilsona@newbern-nc.org |
S422 | American Concrete Institute | Kerry Sutton | (734) 673-2195 | kerry.sutton@concrete.org |
S431 | American Fire Sprinkler Association | Leslie Clounts | (214) 349-5965 | lclounts@firesprinkler.org |
S190 | Andrew Reid Thompson | Andrew Thompson | (910) 279-2764 | Athompson@atmc.net |
S141 | Appalachian State University Energy Center | James Sharp | (828) 262-8913 | sharpj1@appstate.edu |
S65 | Asheboro Fire Department | Roy Wright | (336) 625-4244 | rwright@ci.asheboro.nc.us |
S9 | Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College | Maria Spadaro | (828) 398-7924 | marialspadaro@abtech.edu |
S429 | Automatic Fire Alarm Association | Tim Knisely | (814) 933-8552 | tim@afaa.org |
S344 | Barrett Graham | Barrett Graham | (252) 726-7223 | graemelaw2@hotmail.com |
S70 | Barry Vess | Barry Vess | (828) 442-6438 | barry.vess@gmail.com |
S225 | Beaufort Community College | Justin Rose | (252) 940-6363 | justin.rose@beaufortcc.edu |
S270 | Bladen Community College | Bryan Hehl | (910) 879-5500 | bhegk@bladencc.edu |
S226 | Blue Ridge Community College | Casey Silvers | (828) 694-1779 | caseysilvers@gmail.com |
S435 | Bob Haynes | Bob Haynes | (828) 250-5388 | bob.haynes@buncombecounty.org |
S204 | BoiseCascade LLC | Frank Powell | (770) 614-4010 | frankpowell@bc.com |
S361 | Brandon Burgin | Brandon Burgin | (980) 259-9200 | brandon.burgin@mecklenburgcountync.gov |
S286 | Brian Kelly | Brian Kelly | (910) 358-5859 | Brianjoelkelly@gmail.com |
S197 | Brock Smith | Brock Smith | (336) 703-2563 | smithbj@forsyth.cc |
S243 | Brunswick Community College | Ryan Merrill | (910) 755-7388 | merrillr@brunswickcc.edu |
S353 | Brunswick County Inspection Department | Michael Slate | (910) 253-2047 | michael.slate@brunswickcountync.gov |
S205 | Building and Fire Code Academy | Susan Salvesen | (847) 884-4969 | ssalvesen@bfcacademy.com |
S391 | Buncombe County | Matthew Stone | (828) 250-5364 | beth.williams@ncdoi.gov |
S68 | Burke County Inspections Department | Barry Vess | (828) 438-5420 | bvess@co.burke.nc.us |
S56 | Cabarrus County Construction Standards | Matthiew Devaux | (704) 920-2129 | msdevaux@cabarruscounty.us |
S57 | Caldwell Community College | Adam Johnson | (828) 726-2271 | atjohnson@cccti.edu |
S116 | Cape Fear Community College | Stephen Malloy | (910) 362-7512 | smalloy@cfcc.edu |
S295 | CaptiveAire Systems, Inc | Michael Morgan | (919) 882-2410 | mike.morgan@captiveaire.com |
S384 | Carolina Code Consultants | Ronald ELLIS | (336) 331-2612 | hdrae46@gmail.com |
S88 | Carteret Community College | William Manuel | (252) 222-6201 | williamc4780@carteret.edu |
S455 | Cary Fire Department | Michael Boone | (919) 459-7269 | michael.boone@carync.gov |
S378 | Catawba College | Jan Corriher-Smith | (704) 637-4421 | jecorrih@catawba.edu |
S52 | Catawba County Building Services Division | Contact Smith | (828) 466-5125 | davids@catawbacountync.gov |
S115 | Catawba Valley Community College | Steven Rhodarmer | (282) 327-7000 | srhodarmer@cvcc.edu |
S166 | Central Carolina Community College | Sarah Tart | (919) 776-5601 | start893@cccc.edu |
S81 | Central Piedmont Community College | Jasmine Hines | (704) 330-4408 | jasmine.hines@cpcc.edu |
S211 | Charles C. Gardner | No Name Recorded | (910) 997-4002 | - |
S183 | Charles Ellis Johnson | Charles Johnson | (919) 795-5104 | cej5241@gmail.com |
S368 | Charles Wayne Strickland | Charles Strickland | (910) 237-2796 | dunnfd@embarqmail.com |
S92 | Charlotte Fire Department | Michael Armstrong | (704) 336-2058 | marmstrong@ci.charlotte.nc.us, |
S348 | Charlotte Marie Willitt | Charlotte Willitt | (336) 465-7787 | c.willitt@aol.com |
S42 | Chris Weir | Chris Weir | (336) 906-0493 | chris.weir@highpointnc.gov |
S367 | Christian Noles | Christian Noles | (919) 708-8875 | cnoles@jensenhughes.com |
S408 | Christopher C. Wells | Christopher Wells | (336) 337-6421 | chris.wells@townofchapelhill.org |
S472 | Christopher E. Weir | Christopher Weir | (336) 970-0928 | chris.weir63@gmail.com |
S132 | Christopher Elrod | Christopher Elrod | (910) 763-1511 | Chris.Elrod@wilmingtonnc.gov |
S195 | Christopher Scott Routh | Christopher Routh | (336) 883-3454 | scott.routh@highpointnc.gov |
S7 | City of Asheville | MISTY LIPE | (828) 259-5658 | MLIPE@ASHEVILLENC.GOV |
S105 | City of Charlotte | No Name Recorded | (704) 336-7988 | mjenkins@ci.charlotte.nc.us |
S91 | City of Durham | No Name Recorded | (919) 560-4197 | stacey.poston@durhamnc.gov |
S466 | City of Durham Fire Department | Martin Hicks | (919) 691-3919 | Martin.hicks@durhamnc.gov |
S99 | City of Greensboro Building Inspections Division | Danny Nall | (336) 373-3682 | nalld@greensboro-nc.gov |
S27 | City of High Point | Jim Lawson | (336) 883-3314 | jim.lawson@highpointnc.gov |
S114 | City of Jacksonville Fire Department | Spencer Lee | (910) 455-8080 | slee@ci.jacksonville.nc.us |
S419 | City of King Fire Department | Vernon Handy Jr | (336) 983-3030 | khandy@ci.king.nc.us |
S96 | City of Lexington Fire Department | T. Jarrett | (336) 248-3935 | TPJarrett@LexingtonNC.gov |
S163 | City of Monroe Building Standards Department | Thomas Brown | (704) 282-4560 | tbrown@monroenc.org |
S212 | City of Monroe Fire Department | Robert Bolick | (704) 282-4706 | rbolick@monroenc.org |
S290 | City of New Bern Fire Rescue | Daniel Hill | (252) 639-2931 | hilld@newbern-nc.org |
S32 | City of Raleigh | Aquila Blackwell | (919) 996-4207 | aquila.blackwell@raleighnc.gov |
S138 | City of Raleigh Fire Department | Andy Culbreth | (919) 524-6738 | andy.culbreth@raleighnc.gov |
S8 | City of Rocky Mount | Justin Floyd | (252) 972-1115 | justin.floyd@rockymountnc.gov |
S24 | City of Rocky Mount Fire Department | Mark Rogerson | (252) 972-1376 | mark.rogerson@rockymountnc.gov |
S417 | City of Rocky Mount Fire Department | William Hale | (252) 972-1376 | william.hale@rockymountnc.gov |
S171 | City of Roxboro Fire and Rescue | Brandy Horton | (336) 599-9222 | bhorton@cityofroxboro.com |
S37 | City of Winston-Salem | Ronald Ellis | (336) 727-2382 | alexe@cityofws.org |
S63 | City of Winston-Salem Fire Department | Michael Morton | (336) 773-7971 | michaelcm@cityofwsfire.org |
S95 | Claude G. Wilson III | Claude Wilson Iii | (704) 678-0379 | cgwilson@ci.charlotte.nc.us |
S189 | Clean Edison | No Name Recorded | (640) 723-4016 | avi.yashchin@cleanedison.com |
S218 | Cleveland Community College | Roberta Van Dyke | (704) 669-4193 | van_dyker@clevelandcc.edu |
S401 | Clint Latham | Clint Latham | (919) 820-3499 | jclatham76.cl@gmail.com |
S69 | Coastal Carolina Community College | Raymond Price | (910) 938-6112 | pricer@coastalcarolina.edu |
S39 | Code Consultants | Gene Boecker | (314) 991-2633 | geneb@codeconsultants.com |
S213 | Code Officials Qualification Board | Jessica Yelverton | (919) 661-5880 | jessica.yelverton@ncdoi.gov |
S354 | Colin Triming | Colin Triming | (704) 562-5286 | ctriming@charlottenc.gov |
S134 | College of the Albemarle | Sherri May | (252) 335-0821 | sherri_may@albemarle.edu |
S78 | Concrete Foundations Associations | James Baty | (319) 895-6940 | jbaty@cfawalls.org |
S29 | Continuing Education Resources, Inc | Donna Smith | (910) 547-8833 | donna.smith@mycetraining.com |
S387 | Contracting Classes LLC | Donnie Guy | (910) 874-1510 | contractingclasses@yahoo.com |
S254 | County of Dare Fire Marshal's Office | Steven Kovacs | (252) 475-5750 | steve.kovacs@darenc.com |
S363 | Craig Chrismon | Craig Chrismon | (919) 345-1832 | craigchrismonmsm@gmail.com |
S48 | Craven Community College | Jeff Schulze | (252) 638-7248 | schulzej@cravencc.edu |
S66 | Cumberland County Fire Department | Kenny Currie | (910) 678-7688 | kcurrie@co.cumberland.nc.us |
S241 | DOI Engineering Webinars - In-House Continuing Education | Mike Hejduk | (919) 661-5880 | mike.hejduk@ncdoi.gov |
S224 | Dale Coffey | Dale Coffey | (828) 695-4284 | QBoard.Support@ncdoi.gov |
S362 | Dan Austin | Dan Austin | (919) 647-0011 | dan.austin@ncdoi.gov |
S418 | Daniel Hill | Daniel Hill | (252) 639-2960 | hilld@newbernnc.gov |
S102 | Daniel J. Thomas | Daniel Thomas | (252) 432-4432 | dthomasjr@nc.rr.com |
S426 | Daniel Knoch | Daniel Knoch | (843) 241-4094 | DKnoch@Townofleland.com |
S346 | Danny Butler | Danny Butler | (252) 883-2406 | tfd1176@aol.com |
S176 | Darson Buckner | Darson Buckner | (865) 556-3140 | darsonbuckner@hotmail.com |
S276 | David Michael Messer Jr | David Messer Jr | (919) 795-7061 | fireoholic@gmail.com |
S139 | David Michael Thompson | No Name Recorded | (910) 471-8108 | thompsond@pender-county.com |
S117 | Davidson County Electrical Contractors Association | No Name Recorded | (336) 475-4252 | russella@ci.thomasville.nc.us |
S425 | Davidson County Fire Marshal | Christopher Shonk | (336) 242-2260 | chris.shonk@davidsoncountync.gov |
S16 | Davidson Davie Community College | Rhonda Winters | (336) 249-8186 | rwinters0129@davidsondavie.edu |
S450 | DeLancey Consulting Services LLC | Harold DeLancey | (336) 613-0989 | hwdelancey@yahoo.com |
S259 | Dennis Bordeaux | Dennis Bordeaux | (910) 612-7777 | dkbordeaux@msn.com |
S74 | Dennis Maidon | Dennis Maidon | (919) 965-3600 | dmaidon@nc.rr.com |
S296 | DiPietro Solutions, LLC | Helen DiPietro | (919) 649-1719 | helen@dscodeconsultants.com |
S151 | Dietrich Industries, Inc. | Kathy Ashcom | (614) 840-4350 | kashcom@dietrichindustries.com |
S373 | Don Fleenor | Donald Fleenor | (336) 328-7398 | don@fleenorautomatic.com |
S164 | Douglas L. Coble | Douglas Coble | (336) 462-3594 | firepreventionofficer@yahoo.com |
S173 | Durham City - County Inspections Department | David Coward | (919) 560-4144 | - |
S128 | Durham Technical Community College | Blake Whitt | (919) 686-3653 | whittj2451@durhamtech.edu |
S147 | ECS Carolinas, LLP | No Name Recorded | (910) 686-9114 | WSobh@ecslimited.com |
S471 | East Carolina University (ECU) | Beth Williams | (919) 647-0019 | beth.williams@ncdoi.gov |
S345 | Edgecombe Community College | Danny Butler | (252) 618-6607 | butlerd@edgecombe.edu |
S158 | Edward S. Prince | No Name Recorded | (704) 336-3545 | - |
S393 | ElectricalLicenseRenewal.com | Jeff Simpson | (877) 564-2387 | jeff@electricallicenserenewal.com |
S479 | Emcee MGMT Consulting, LLC | Christina Van Zuidam | (407) 760-9929 | christina@emceemgmtco.com |
S376 | England Enterprises Training Division | Wayne Barnhill | (843) 747-3575 | wayne@ibcode.net |
S320 | England Enterprises Training Division, LLC | John England | (843) 747-3575 | jengland@ibcode.net |
S339 | Erin Price-Erwin | Erin Price-Erwin | - | e_pricee@uncg.edu |
S421 | FED Learning Center | Nicole Smith | (888) 349-5289 | Support@FEDLearningCenter.com |
S221 | Farouk Zaman | No Name Recorded | (919) 807-4092 | farouk.zaman@doa.nc.gov |
S111 | Fayetteville Fire/Emergency Management | Justin McLaurin | (910) 433-1413 | justinmclaurin@fayettevillenc.gov |
S244 | Fayetteville Technical Community College | Gordon Belt | (910) 678-9896 | beltg@faytechcc.edu |
S446 | Fayetteville Technical Community College - Fire | Ruth Hill | (910) 433-1566 | Hillr@faytechcc.edu |
S430 | Fire High Consulting LLC | Stanley Queen | (704) 418-7977 | josh.queen@clevelandcountync.gov |
S415 | Floyd Gibbs | Floyd Gibbs | (804) 393-0123 | qualityinspections.floydgibbs@gmail.com |
S106 | Forsyth County Fire Department | Anthony Stewart | (336) 703-2551 | stewaraj@forsyth.cc |
S144 | Forsyth Technical Community College | Bryan Knight | (336) 723-0371 | knight@forsythtech.edu |
S21 | Franklin County | Stanley Frazier | (919) 729-4753 | stanley.frazier@doa.nc.gov |
S72 | G.L.H. Seminars | Gary Harvell | (704) 322-2496 | gharvell1@ctc.net, buildinginspectors@co.nc.us |
S309 | GREG FRAZIER | GREGORY FRAZIER | (252) 226-3014 | gregory.frazier@raleighnc.gov |
S228 | Gaston Community College | Michele Sullivan | (704) 922-6250 | Sullivan@Gaston.edu |
S312 | Gaston County | John Roper | (704) 914-8723 | john.roper@gastongov.com |
S409 | Gastonia Fire Department | Terry Revis | (704) 866-6809 | trevis@gmail.com |
S97 | Generic CE Sponsor | Beth Williams | - | beth.williams@ncdoi.gov |
S15 | Glenn E. Lingafeldt (GEL Inc.) | Glenn Lingafeldt | (704) 483-3195 | tonilingafeldt@yahoo.com |
S84 | Goldsboro Fire Department | Alvin Ward | (919) 580-4263 | award@ci.goldsboro.nc.us |
S438 | Greater Wake Fire Marshals | Justin McLaurin | (919) 441-4015 | jmclaurin@townofmorrisville.org |
S51 | Greensboro Fire Department | Kevin Pettigrew | (336) 373-2177 | kevin.pettigrew@greensboro-nc.gov |
S59 | Greenville Fire/Rescue | James Beddard | (252) 329-4416 | bbeddard@greenvillenc.gov |
S199 | Gregory Enterprises | Erin Tippins | (336) 228-0943 | gregoryengineers@cs.com |
S11 | Griffin Code Studies | Mark Griffin | (704) 764-9980 | Mark.Griffin@co.union.nc.us |
S227 | Guilford Technical Community College | Matthew Thorpe | (336) 334-4822 | mbthorpe@gtcc.edu |
S130 | HILTI Incorporated | Adam Reinhold | (800) 879-8000 | adam.reinhold@hilti.com |
S10 | HTS Tech Training | Tim Haynes | (828) 298-1897 | thaynes@ashevillenc.gov |
S395 | HalfMoon Education Inc. | Doug Chapman | (715) 835-5900 | doug@halfmoonseminars.org |
S87 | Halifax Community College | Michael Clements | (252) 536-7293 | mclements@halifaxcc.edu |
S206 | Hardy Frames, Incorporated | No Name Recorded | (805) 477-0793 | dfolker@mii.com |
S229 | Haywood Community College | Shawn Haynes | (828) 565-4247 | sphaynes@haywood.edu |
S180 | Henderson County Building Services | Crystal Lyda | (828) 694-6505 | clyda@hendersoncountync.gov |
S50 | Henderson County Fire Marshal's Office | Kevin Waldrup | (828) 697-4728 | kwaldrup@hendersoncountync.org |
S444 | Herald F. Good, Jr. | Herald Good, Jr. | (757) 254-6632 | tskforce1@gmail.com |
S41 | Hickory Fire Department | Steve Moore | (828) 323-7522 | smoore@hickorync.gov |
S38 | High Point Fire Department | Christopher Routh | (336) 883-3541 | Scott.Routh@highpointnc.gov |
S161 | Hoffman & Hoffman | Amanda Harton | (336) 292-8777 | amanda.harton@hoffman-hoffman.com |
S140 | Hope Mills Fire Department | * * | (910) 424-0948 | bmarley@nc.rr.com |
S49 | HousingMarketplace | Joe Adams | (828) 891-3911 | jadams777@bellsouth.net |
S188 | ICC Region 8 | Dennis Maidon | (919) 965-3600 | dmaidon@iccreg8.com |
S370 | Ian Murphy | Ian Murphy | (614) 307-0203 | ian.murphy@verizonwireless.com |
S347 | Institute for Business & Home Safety | Mary Tavarez | (813) 286-3400 | mtavarez@ibhs.org |
S14 | International Code Council (ICC) | Shirlena Crayton | (888) 422-7233 | scrayton@iccsafe.org |
S230 | Isothermal Community College | John Splawn | (828) 395-1766 | jsplowan@isothermal.edu |
S194 | JADE Learning | Amy Bonilla | (800) 443-5233 | ahbonilla@jadelearning.com |
S382 | JCR Productions, Inc. | Ali Stutts | (704) 696-8555 | ce@jcrproductions.com |
S201 | Jack Morgan | Jack Morgan | (828) 371-1376 | jmorgan@maconnc.org |
S200 | Jackson County Code Enforcement | Ryan Brown | (828) 226-3369 | ryanbrown@jacksonnc.org |
S336 | James M. Griffin | James Griffin | (336) 705-0247 | griffijm@forsyth.cc |
S340 | James M. Griffin | James Griffin | (336) 399-2138 | griffijm@forsyth.cc |
S159 | Jeff Griffin | Jeff Griffin | (704) 638-8847 | jeff.griffin@mecklenburgcountync.gov |
S170 | Jeff Hale / Hale Artificier, Incorporated | Jeffrey Hale | (336) 247-2212 | pyronoid@lexcominc.net |
S279 | Jeff Simpson | Jeffrey Simpson | (919) 450-6630 | jeff@mrud.com |
S214 | Jeffrey D. Johnson | Jeff Johnson | (919) 647-0027 | jeff.johnson@ncdoi.gov |
S413 | Jesse A Watts | Jesse Watts | (704) 718-5663 | jwatts@gcps.org |
S379 | John A. Heinen | John Heinen | (703) 598-0939 | JohnAHeinen@gmail.com |
S433 | John A. Hyman | John Hyman | (910) 824-3537 | john.hyman@Brunswickcountync.gov |
S123 | Johnston Community College | Alan Jenkins | (919) 209-2081 | jajenkins2@johnstoncc.edu |
S483 | Johnston Community College Workforce Development | Brenda Harris | (919) 209-2595 | bkharris1@johnstoncc.edu |
S80 | Johnston County Inspections Department | Michael Hudson | (919) 989-5065 | Shane.hudson@johnstonnc.com |
S441 | Joseph Daniel Starling | Joseph Starling | (919) 397-6159 | joseph.starling@ncdoi.gov |
S192 | Joseph Marshall Weathers | Joseph Weathers | (704) 607-2052 | weat9899@bellsouth.net |
S75 | Joseph Michael Whitt | Joseph Whitt | (336) 382-0902 | mwhitt4@triad.rr.com |
S334 | Joseph Vindigni | Joseph Vindigni | (828) 674-5608 | jvindigni@hvlnc.gov |
S359 | Karl Randolph | Karl Randolph | (248) 356-1400 | krandolph@maxitrol.com |
S125 | Keith Educational Seminars | Melvin Keith | (910) 231-4002 | genesarah@hotmail.com |
S157 | Kelly Frauenkron - BASF Polyurethane Foam Enterprises | Kelly Frauenkron | (612) 840-6631 | kelly.fraunekron@basf.com |
S124 | Kenneth Lee Bogan | Kenneth Bogan | (910) 620-1576 | kenbogan1@gmail.com |
S209 | Kenneth Ray Kennedy | No Name Recorded | (910) 470-5355 | kenspector@1955@yahoo.com |
S135 | Kernersville Fire Rescue | David Willard | (336) 996-4885 | dwillard@toknc.com |
S423 | Kevin Lowther | Kevin Lowther | (910) 987-4613 | kevinlowther16@gmail.com |
S149 | Kitty Hawk Fire Department | Benjamin Alexander | (252) 261-2666 | balexander@kittyhawktown.net |
S398 | Kyle Kohler | Kyle Kohler | (240) 380-0588 | kkohler92@gmail.com |
S285 | Lauren Lelewski | Lauren Lelewski | (919) 608-5767 | lauren.lelewski@hilti.com |
S323 | Legal Aid of North Carolina | Lauren Brasil | (919) 861-1884 | LaurenB@legalaidnc.org |
S160 | Lenoir Community College | Kenneth Rhodes | (252) 527-6223 | kcrhodes34@lenoircc.edu |
S302 | Leon Skinner | Richard Skinner | (919) 996-4207 | broturkeyman@gmail.com |
S36 | Leonard G. Thompson | Jerry Thompson | (910) 303-4762 | jerrythedad@earthlink.net |
S193 | Lloyd P. Prince / HVAC Seminars | Lloyd Prince | (910) 279-5330 | lprince6@msn.com |
S18 | Mac's Seminars | Fred Mckenzie | (828) 683-9739 | fmckenzie@ashevillenc.gov |
S470 | Macon County | Joseph Allen | (828) 349-2518 | jallen@maconnc.org |
S89 | Manufactured Building Division | Barry Gupton | (919) 810-5832 | barry.gupton@ncdoi.gov |
S407 | Mark Brown | Mark Brown | (980) 521-0073 | hzmtinstrructor@hotmail.com |
S175 | Mark Leo Tighe | Mark Tighe | (336) 923-4019 | marklt@cityofws.org |
S342 | Mark Rogerson | Mark Rogerson | (252) 972-1380 | mark.rogerson@rockymountnc.gov |
S338 | Marshall Godwin | Marshall Godwin | (704) 201-3660 | marshall.godwin@unioncountync.gov |
S210 | Mathis Consulting Company | Bridget Herring | (828) 678-3500 | bridget@mathisconsulting.com |
S358 | Matthew Crawford | Matthew Crawford | (828) 442-9903 | matthewpcrawford@gmail.com |
S220 | Maxitrol/Karl Randolph | Karl Randolph | (248) 356-1400 | krandolph@maxitrol.com |
S191 | Maxson and Associates Incorporated | Trevor Maxson | (704) 588-6980 | tmaxson@maxsonassociates.com |
S246 | Mayland Community College | No Name Provided | - | - |
S266 | McDowell Technical Community College | Ronald Morgan | (828) 652-0674 | rjmorgan62@go.mcdowelltech.edu |
S311 | McKeon Door Company | David Dodge | (801) 471-7210 | ddodge@mckeondoor.com |
S17 | Mecklenburg County | Tyler Pace | (980) 772-3563 | tyler.pace@mecklenburgcountync.gov |
S120 | Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement | Kari Lanning | (980) 314-3177 | Kari.lanning@mecklenburgcountync.gov |
S156 | Melvin George Baxley | Melvin Baxley | (702) 902-8946 | mel.baxley@gmail.com |
S434 | Michael D Jordan | Michael Jordan | (910) 381-7122 | michaeldjordan@embarqmail.com |
S335 | Michael J Slate | Michael Slate | (336) 926-3782 | michael.slate@davidsoncountync.gov |
S77 | Michael J. Hejduk, PE | Michael Hejduk | (919) 647-0024 | mikehejduk@gmail.com |
S341 | Michael King | Michael King | (336) 703-2546 | mekingsr@gmail.com |
S427 | Michael Marshburn | Michael Marshburn | (910) 876-2421 | mmarshburn@professionalskillsts.com |
S439 | Michael Smith | Michael Smith | (317) 339-9562 | msmith@equipmentcontrols.com |
S155 | Michael Thomas Hare | No Name Recorded | (704) 562-6155 | mike.hare@mecklenburgcountync.gov |
S400 | Mike Holt Enterprises | Mike Holt | (888) 632-2633 | ceuonline@mikeholt.com |
S402 | Mike Holt Enterprises | Mike Holt | (888) 632-2633 | ceuonline@mikeholt.com |
S231 | Mitchell Community College | Josh Smith | (704) 978-5446 | JSmith@mitchellcc.edu |
S282 | MjsServices | Maria Jernigan | (919) 266-7573 | MsBurch@att.net |
S300 | Montgomery Community College | Riley Beaman | (910) 576-6222 | beamanr@montgomery.edu |
S473 | Mooresville | Tommy Rowland | (704) 799-4255 | trowland@mooresvillenc.gov |
S54 | Mooresville Fire-Rescue | Ronnie Workman | (704) 664-1338 | jworkman@mooresvillenc.gov |
S165 | Mytradeschool.com | Greg Shaw | (336) 766-7550 | info@mytradschool.com |
S178 | NC Association of Electrical Contractors, Incorporated | Terry Cromer | (336) 854-8354 | tcromer@ncaec.org |
S13 | NC Association of Fire Chiefs | Charlie Johnson | (336) 817-1437 | charlie.johnson@ncdoi.gov |
S404 | NC Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors | William Parris | (919) 733-9042 | aparris@ncbeec.org |
S1 | NC Building Inspectors Association (NCBIA) | Tara Barthelmess | (919) 647-0009 | tara.barthelmess@ncdoi.gov |
S420 | NC Chapter of International Assoc of Arson Investigators | Harold DeLancey | (919) 621-3910 | hwdelancey@yahoo.com |
S283 | NC Clean Energy Technology Center at NCSU | Megan Cain | (919) 513-4790 | mdcain@ncsu.edu |
S110 | NC Community College Sponsor | Beth Williams | (919) 661-5880 | beth.williams@ncdoi.gov |
S377 | NC Council of Code Officials | Tara Barthelmess | (336) 727-0284 | tara.barthelmess@ncdoi.gov |
S424 | NC Electrical Inspector Association (NCEIA) | Benjamen Wesley | (919) 886-0920 | benjamenwesley@gmail.com |
S6 | NC Electrical Institute | Joe Starling | (919) 647-0000 | Joseph.Starling@ncdoi.gov |
S19 | NC Ellis Cannady Chapter, IAEI | Benjamen Wesley | (919) 886-0920 | Benjamen.Wesley@townofcary.org |
S392 | NC Emergency Management | Milton Carpenter | (999) 999-9999 | milton.carpenter@ncdps.gov |
S12 | NC Fire Marshal's Association | Tony Smart | (919) 647-0094 | tony.smart@wintervillenc.com |
S129 | NC Fire Team USA | No Name Recorded | - | - |
S3 | NC Mechanical Inspectors Association (NCMIA) | Kathryn Whalen | (919) 647-0008 | kathryn.whalen@ncdoi.gov |
S366 | NC Permitting Personnel Association | Sue Wall | (919) 647-0023 | sue.wall@townofcary.org |
S2 | NC Plumbing Inspectors Association (NCPIA) | James Lawson | (919) 647-0013 | tinyjim48@hotmail.com |
S169 | NC Solar Center, NCSU - Green Building | No Name Recorded | (919) 513-1896 | Dona_Stankus@ncsu.edu |
S4 | NC State Board of Exam Plumbing Heating & Fire Sprinkler Contractors | Dale Dawson | (828) 712-7300 | Ncdawson@aol.com |
S275 | NCDOI OSFM Online | Rob Roegner | (919) 647-0098 | rob.roegner@ncdoi.gov |
S349 | NCDOIOSFM-Fire and Rescue Commission | Emily Narron | (919) 661-5880 | kim.williams@ncdoi.gov |
S196 | NCFI Polyurethanes | Steve Loftis | (336) 783-3442 | steve.loftis@ncfi.net |
S232 | Nash Community College | Joseph Parks | (252) 451-8312 | japarks297@nashcc.edu |
S215 | Nash County Fire Marshal's Office | Scott Rogers | (252) 459-9805 | scott.rogers@nashcountync.gov |
S202 | Neddie Lee Hayes | Neddie Hayes | (704) 866-6018 | QBoard.Support@ncdoi.gov |
S126 | New Hanover County Fire / Rescue | No Name Recorded | (910) 798-7420 | madavis@nhcgov.com |
S34 | New Hanover County Inspections Division | Edward McCaleb | (910) 798-7175 | emccaleb@nhcgov.com |
S343 | Newton Fire Department | Wesley Harrington | (828) 695-4322 | wharrington@newtonnc.gov |
S100 | Niblock Seminars | Lynn Niblock | (704) 928-2017 | niblockseminars@live.com |
S172 | Non-Pre Approved Course; Sponsor - Various | Beth Williams | (919) 647-0019 | beth.williams@ncdoi.gov |
S198 | Norbord | Craig Doehner | (919) 523-1619 | craig.doehner@norbord.com |
S322 | North Carolina Advanced Energy | Lisa Manuel | (919) 857-9000 | lmanuel@advancedenergy.org |
S389 | North Carolina Association of Fire Equipment Distributors | Charles Sanford | (919) 220-3265 | sanfordc@pyebarkerfire.com |
S403 | North Carolina Association of Housing Code Officials | Lori Loosemore | (336) 883-3040 | lori.loosemore@highpointnc.gov |
S390 | North Carolina Building Performance Association | Daniel Miller | (919) 841-6207 | ryan@buildingnc.org |
S182 | ORR Protection Systems, Incorporated | No Name Recorded | (502) 244-4510 | pnelson@orrcorp.com |
S476 | OSFM Pilot Apprentice | Richard Skinner | (919) 218-4452 | Leon.Skinner@ncdoi.gov |
S47 | OSFM, Engineering and Codes Division | Beth Williams | (919) 647-0019 | Beth.Williams@ncdoi.gov |
S356 | OmegaFlex, Inc. | Art Weirauch | (413) 388-2390 | artw@omegaflex.net |
S76 | Orange County Inspections Department | Michael Rettie | (919) 245-2604 | mrettie@orangecountync.gov |
S216 | PHRANC Professional Housing Rehabilitation Association of NC | Carlis Sweat | (910) 947-4617 | csweat@moorecountync.gov |
S443 | Parties by Design | Bill Brown | (704) 385-5850 | billb67296@gmail.com |
S43 | Patrick Granson | Patrick Granson | (704) 432-0081 | patrick.granson@mecklenburgcountync.gov |
S304 | Paul Padgett | Paul Padgett | (910) 986-2419 | ppadgett@garnernc.gov |
S207 | Perry Johnson Faulkner III | Edward Strickland | (252) 459-2026 | pfaulkner@franklincountync.us |
S219 | Person County Inspections Department | Sam Hobgood | (336) 597-0570 | shobgood@personcounty.net |
S303 | Phillip Davis | Phillip Davis | (252) 813-9343 | davisp9621@aol.com |
S103 | Piedmont Community College | No Name Recorded | (336) 599-1181 | gentryp@piedmontcc.edu |
S28 | Piedmont Training Group | Jim Lawson | (336) 688-3804 | tinyjim48@hotmail.com |
S107 | Pinehurst Fire Department | Floyd Fritz | (910) 295-5575 | ffritz920@gmail.com |
S317 | Pitt Community College | Gail Nichols | (252) 493-7625 | gtnichols316@my.pittcc.edu |
S233 | Pitt Community College, Greenville Center | Laura Newkirk | (252) 493-7742 | lnewkirk@email.pittcc.edu |
S481 | Quick Tie | Brett Dexter | (904) 281-0525 | brettdexter@yahoo.com |
S217 | R&M Group NC, PLLC Architects - William Rakatansky | No Name Recorded | (704) 909-7081 | codeman01@bellsouth.net |
S260 | RPD NCDOI | Rob Roegner | (919) 647-0098 | rob.roegner@ncdoi.gov |
S385 | Raleigh Fire Department | Andy Culbreth | (919) 996-6392 | andy.culbreth@raleighnc.gov |
S489 | Randal A Nicklas | Keth Grzybowski | (503) 703-8212 | kgrzybowski@huntsmanbuilds.com |
S73 | Randall Dodd | Randall Dodd | (919) 524-6738 | Randall.Dodd@mecklenburgcountync.gov |
S33 | Randolph Community College | Loretta Brady | (336) 633-0268 | ljbrady@randolph.edu |
S62 | Randolph County Fire Marshal's Office | Wendell Whatley Jr. | (336) 318-6917 | wnwhatley@co.randolph.nc.us |
S79 | Rectorseal Corporation | John Goga | (732) 319-1015 | John.Goga@rectorseal.com |
S357 | Richard Lovick | Richard Lovick | (252) 269-6783 | r.lovick@beaufortnc.org |
S94 | Richard Strickland | Richard Strickland | (252) 908-2966 | Strickre@yahoo.com |
S234 | Richmond Community College | Myra Locklear | (910) 410-1848 | mllocklear@richmondcc.edu |
S482 | RightTek HVAC Training, LLC. | John Maynor | (919) 475-2779 | anthony@righttekhvac.com |
S22 | Righttek HVAC Training, LLC | Anthony Maynor | (919) 475-2779 | anthony@righttekhvac.com |
S104 | Roanoke Rapids Fire Department | No Name Recorded | (252) 537-2555 | scottyj@roanokerapidsnc.com |
S330 | Roanoke-Chowan Community College | Kelly Wiggins | (252) 862-1266 | kdwiggins4735@roanokechowan.edu |
S273 | Robert Carmon | Robert Carmon | (910) 269-3352 | bobbycarmon7@gmail.com |
S167 | Robert I. Gossett | Robert Gossett | (828) 692-6097 | rigossett44@gmail.com |
S240 | Robert John Mete | Robert Mete | (434) 531-1682 | - |