North Carolina Manufactured Building application site is SECURE.

You have reached this page for one of six reasons:
  1. You would like to fill out a NEW Salesperson, Dealer, Manufacturer, or Setup Contractor application with the NC Manufactured Building Division, or

  2. You would like to RENEW your current Salesperson, Dealer, Manufacturer, or Setup Contractor license with the NC Manufactured Building Division, or

  3. You would like to TRANSFER your current Salesperson's license with the NC Manufactured Building Division, or

  4. You have mailed in an application which has not yet been approved, or

  5. You are currently a licensed entity (Salesperson, Dealer, Manufacturer, or Setup Contractor) in the state of North Carolina, but have not set up a North Carolina Identity Management (NCID) online account, or

  6. You are an existing active Manufactured Building licensee with a valid NCID.

(1) If you would like start a NEW license application, please select one of the following license types to start the process:
Setup Contractor

(2) If you mailed in an application which has not yet been approved, please contact the North Carolina Manufactured Building Staff using the contact information at the bottom of this page.

(3) If you would like to RENEW a current license, you will need to follow either Steps 5 or 6.

(4) If you would like to TRANSFER your current Salesperson's license, you will need to follow either Steps 5 or 6.

(5) If you are an active, existing NC Manufactured Building Salesperson, Dealer representative, Manufacturer representative, Corporation, or Setup Contractor representative, but have not set up your North Carolina Identity Management (NCID) online account, please select link below:
NCID: Online Identity Management

(6) If you have already set up an account with your Login ID/password, please select the link below to Login to your portal:
NC Manufactured Building Login page

If you have any questions, please contact the North Carolina Manufactured Building Staff at 919-647-0053 or 800-634-7854 (toll free) for further assistance.
